Sunday, March 15, 2015

Ordination by the EFCA!

I was called into the ministry in 2002. Without any experience or formal training, a series of unexpected events placed me in the pulpit and in a higher position than I had ever anticipated or dreamed of. The excitement and adrenaline rush of emotions soon gave way to the stark realization that I knew very little about preaching, the Bible or being a pastor. 

After attending a conference at John MacArthur's church with Elder Peter Ristau, in early 2003, I saw a path forward. The Elders of WBF graciously agreed to allow me to attend a series of carefully chosen conferences each year in lieu of going away to seminary. These conferences have been, for the last thirteen years, my inspiration, my guidance and my ongoing education and equipping. I've had the privilege of sitting under the teaching of and, occasionally, sitting with some of the great theological minds of our time. 

The conferences led to the purchase of many books which morphed into the acquisition of a fairly large digital library through the help of Logos Bible Study Software and some pretty intensive training on how to use it.

Meanwhile, WBF was becoming part of the Evangelical Free
Church of America (EFCA), an association of autonomous churches bound together by a common statement of faith and an agreement to maintain unity on the essentials  while expressing charity on the non-essentials. 

In time, WBF became an active part of the EFCA and I became familiar with the organization and the benefits it offered. 

In 2010, I attended the EFCA's Gateway class, a class Pastor Scott Ferrell is currently attending. During my year in that class, I got to know the teachers, becoming friends with them, being led deeper into my studies as well.

The class work resulted in a doctrinal statement. I was encouraged to pursue ordination (credentialing) with the EFCA after class was complete. It is three year process of study, writing and refining my theology and doctrine. I had the privilege of working with some amazing men who were expert theologians in their own right.

The program was accelerated. Two years ago, I sat before an Ordination Council, ten men who examined me, my paper and my theology. 

That was quite and experience. 

I went into the council, fairly confident that I had done my study and was ready to be examined. I came out wondering what could possibly have led me to sit in front of a group of learned men and answer their deeply profound questions about the character and nature of God and the depth of the Scriptures. 

I waited in a small room while they deliberated, certain they would summon me at any moment to be placed in a stockade in the town square for wasting their time and penalizing me with personal, public humiliation. They were gracious, though, and awarded me a conditional approval based on further study in five areas. 

I thought the previous work was tough!

I commenced a year of detailed, in depth study and writing resulting in a revised personal doctrinal statement and submission of my application to the Board of Ministerial Standing (BOMS) with the EFCA. They took a few weeks going over my paper.   

This week, I received notice that I have been approved for ordination and will receive my credentialing once the District Office processes it!

I am humbled and awed at what God has done in the last fifteen years. I never dreamed I would have the time or aptitude to receive such an honor. I had so much help! My wife, the staff at WBF, the Elders, my teachers and more than a few members of our church family all provided input, feedback and critique. This was, in every way, a whole-body effort. 

As I've been able to share the news with a few people this week, I've come to realize that there is a lot of misunderstanding as to what ordination is. It is, in essence, the recognition, by the EFCA, that I am in alignment with their doctrine and theology. It is not a degree and does not allow me the honor of placing any letters before or after my name. However, it does say that I've been thoroughly examined in my theology and endorsed as a minster of the gospel and shepherd of the flock by a rigorous council of peers and highly educated men. 

I never thought it would happen. I am totally awestruck, honored and inspired to go deeper yet. My deepest appreciation and heartfelt thanks goes to our Elders, staff and the wonderful congregation God has blessed us with for all the support and encouragement that was so freely given. I also am truly thankful to my wife for being my greatest source of encouragement and most ardent supporter. The love and trust of all of you keep me faithful to my studies and excited about the future. 

I give all praise and honor to God! In Him, all things are truly possible!


  1. That is fantastic John. Congrats - you deserve it. It is a Great accomplishment. Praise God for his faithfulness! He does more than we can ask or think :) I am always profoundly awestruck by this truth.

  2. Well done! I was approved for credentialing this month and am working on my ordination, so I know a bit what you've gone through. Blessings as you continue in ministry.
